Friday, January 29, 2016

Planet X Redoux

I you are not inebriated; you may recall this blog took on a community service role last week advising the population of the hypothesized existence of a ninth planet (Planet X minus one 1/22/16).  I assured you all that this information was based on mathematical models designed to explain idiosyncrasies in the orbit of Neptune.  As so, there was no need to get excited about this phenomenon as no direct observations had yet been made.

I also shared that such hypotheses had existed for many years; long before the demotion of Pluto to dwarf planet status by Big Astronomy.  Thus the theoretical planet had been dubbed “Planet X”; a play on the fact that it was unknown and the roman numeral for the number ten, “X”.

I also asserted that the planet had not been named.


I learned this week, from Rob Waugh’s Yahoo Blog, that indeed the new Planet “X” had been named “Nibiru”.  It seems that there is a conspiracy culture out there (on the fringes of human population here on Earth, not on Nibiru) that predicts this unseen world is going to destroy Earth.  One Zecharia Sitchin, a writer (and we all know the value of information advanced by writers), claimed aliens from Nibiru created the human race.  Mr. Sitchin is unavailable for comment on these recent developments as he is currently dead (RIP 2010… I wonder if there is any numerological connection between Planet “X” and the year of his death).

From here, Mr. Waugh’s reporting gets a bit murky as I am not sure when he is quoting Sitchin, or Nigel Watson (author of UFO Investigations Manual… who knew there was one… Christmas is just around the corner) quoting Sitchin stating that Nibiru is populated by the Anunnaki’ an advanced humanoid race who visited Earth thousands of years (ago?) to mine gold in Africa.  Needing a supply of workers, they used genetic engineering to create Homo Sapiens (that’s us).

So there you have it, the sum total of my knowledge on Planet “X”:  Last week, innocuous mathematical formula; this week source of the apocalypse. I warned you about naming it! 

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