Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Absurdum Tempestas

If you follow my musings you know that I am not a global warming denier, but very skeptical about the influence of human activity, likelihood of catastrophic (existential) outcomes, and the need for radical action that would unbalance the global economy.  I am very confident of my position because I listen to the argument put forth by “the majority of the scientific community” versus that professed by career meteorologists.  And to my ear, the people who actually make their living studying weather phenomena and can understand the physics involved (the meteorologists, in case it wasn’t clear), make the most cogent argument regarding the runaway greenhouse effect, which to date can be distilled into one neat little package.  Hooey!

Then there are the astronomers.  I like people who have figured out a way to make a living staring at the sky.  I only wish I could have been born with the math genes that would allow me to joint their ranks.  Unfortunately, once I try to cross that bridge separating algebra from arithmetic, a nasty troll emerges with his big stick and knocks me into a ditch.  But I digress.  The point is, the astronomers are telling me that the earth’s atmosphere is warming because the energy output from the sun has been, since birth, increasing and will continue to do so until it runs out of fuel (5 billion years, give or take a millennium), and we don’t want to be around for that.  Fortunately, we won’t, as temperature increases brought about by this natural phenomenon will make the planet untenable for human life in somewhere between 10,000 to 100,000 years (boy I wish I’d had that kind of margin of error when working up cash flow projections).

So I get kind of annoyed when people on the green train tell me what kind of light bulbs to use and such.  But today, I am taking a more cautious posture toward this weather thing.  For the first time in my life, I am living under the threat of a tornado alert (per KGTV).  Yes, right here in San Diego… and that starts with “S” … and that stands for “Shit!

Now I am no expert, but I have been living under the impression that tornados were warm weather phenomena.  And let me tell you, it has not been warm or anywhere near it here in paradise for the past few weeks.  Like right now I’m sitting here typing away on this masterpiece at 1642 hrs. (PST) and it is sixty-four (64oF) degrees… indoors!  I don’t know where you all come from, but 64o is not warm!

Now I know some of my readers live in harsher climes where these conditions would seem downright balmy.  But wearing a flannel shirt around the house is just unnatural.  If God had intended us to gird ourselves against the weather, he would have given us fur.  Come to think of it, chimpanzees have lots of body hair and they live in the tropics.  I’m starting to wonder if Darwin may have missed a few links.

Well anyway, if you don’t hear from me next week. just assume I was sucked up to Oz in a twister.  After all, I do live on The Yellow Brick Road (yeah, I do… really!).


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