Saturday, October 18, 2014

Extra! Mars Attacked!

A special bulletin for readers of the Obsequious News Service!  Sunday, October 19, 2014, Comet Siding Spring (named for the Australian Observatory at which it was first seen) will have a close encounter with our neighbor planet Mars.

Comet Siding Spring
The comet will pass within 87,000 miles of the Red Planet, (I don’t have to go over that again, do I? Do we all remember from the blog post of April 7, 2014, “Extra! Mars Attacks!” why the planet is named Mars?) just one-third the distance between the Earth and Moon.

Comet as seen from Mars
In addition to the close encounter, this occurrence is remarkable because the comet is from the Ort Cloud: Which is a long, long, way.  The Ort Cloud is that ring of rocks and ice balls out beyond Neptune where that erstwhile planet Pluto resides.  NASA suggests that Siding Spring was nudged out of its usual orbit by a passing star some million years ago (talk about a road trip) on a trajectory toward the sun.

Maybe… or could it just be a bit of revenge?

While several satellites and the Mars bound rovers are keyed up to take pictures as the intruder passes, there is no indication that we will be able to see the comet from Earth.  That can only mean one thing… STEALTH TECHNOLOGY!

Keep your eyes open and report anything you don’t see to authorities.

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