Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Super Duper!

Finally, something worth getting out of bed for:  This weekend (Sunday, Sept. 27) we will be given the opportunity to observe an astronomical event known as a Supermoon.  The event is so called because our sister orb will appear 14% larger and 30% brighter than its norm.  The phenomenon happens when full phase occurs with the moon at perigee (the closest point in its orbit around the earth).  Sunday evening, the moon will rise at 6:35 PM (PDT).  Visibility will depend of course on local weather conditions.  Currently, the forecast calls for clear skies; but on the other hand it was supposed to have rained considerably for the past two days and, well you know.

But Wait, There’s More!!!

We are even luckier than you imagined, because this full moon will be cast into the Earth’s shadow as we experience a lunar eclipse!  The indirect lighting reflected from the moon’s surface will produce a reddish hue known as a Blood Moon. This alignment of the Sun, Earth and moon provide us once again with dramatic proof that we are not at the center of the universe.  

Any female readers of a pagan bent may feel free to celebrate by assuming the persona of dryad, naiad, sylph, nymphet or sprite and dancing naked on my front lawn.  There is nothing that celebrates the wonder of nature like a good debauch!  Frank, you may not assume the undress of a fairy and dance on my lawn.

The eclipse will begin at approximately 1:00 AM GMT (British Time) Monday morning (Sept. 28) which translates to 5:00 PM PDT (local time) Sunday evening (Sept. 27).  The eclipse will last approximately one hour and ten minutes.

Doing the math for you (because it’s really easy… and that’s the kind of math I specialize in), with the eclipse beginning at 5:00 PM and lasting just a bit over one hour and moonrise scheduled for 6:35 PM, by the time the moon rises here in paradise, the whole thing will be… over.

Well, you ladies can come over anyway and dance to celebrate the recent autumnal equinox.  After all, we only have one of those each year.  Clothing optional, of course.

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