Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Overwhelming Sadness

I’m sure you’ve all experienced the sadness brought by the end of a love affair.  The feelings of pain and sadness can be overwhelming.  It is especially devastating when it happens out of the blue.  One day you feel everything is fine and without warning, the focus of your affections turns away.  The emptiness can be devastating.  Previously unknown depths of depression cage your heart and no moment of your life is spared the intrusive pain.

The days are filled with memories of your time together.  Your fingers curl in memory of the way you caressed those soft, warm buns.  Obsessive visions of those perfectly tender loins   haunt your soul.  Your lips and tongue yearn for the taste that is now only a memory.  San Marcos is clearly a lonelier place.

A couple of weeks ago, in need of some epicurial companionship, I drove to the Food Court at the Edwards Cinema.  With my anticipation piqued, I entered to find my favorite sandwich shop a dark, hollow cave now blocked by steel mesh.  Capriotti’s sandwich shop had closed its doors.  Nooooo! I was devastated.

If you had never experienced the “Capistrami” sandwich, it’s too late now (unless you find another store, they are a franchise operation) to experience the tender, succulent, perfect pastrami.  No longer will you be able to suck the juice out of the coleslaw that graced the artisan bread.  No more Russian dressing to lick from your fingers.

I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed as I write this; struggling to hold back the tears.  The emotions are just too strong, so I will leave you with this short missive to perhaps reminisce on your own losses.

I will not say goodbye, as someday I may stumble upon a sibling store, so until then, fino a quando vedo ancora.

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