Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bear Alert

Most of my writing is done tongue and cheek, if you are sensitive enough to mine the underlying humor.  If that statement made you rethink your approach to my blog, well maybe this is not the place for you.

None the less, this week’s missive is deadly serious.  Although I have repeatedly promised to keep out of the political foray, this issue is just too ominous to ignore in hopes other sources will turn your head into the wind.  In the context of this warning, political does not allude to that ass versus pachyderm spectacle we all endure every day.  No, this is global politics at its most dire.  Please follow along cautiously lest you get led astray by the metaphor.

While our government leaders and the main-stream press (“lame-stream” has become trite, and since it does not reflect the principles, or cater to the needs of the main-stream population, we will consider it anachronistic and ban it form further use) are busy pointing at hyenas and trying to differentiate them by simple naming conventions (while we all know they are just different clans of the same tribe), it seems they are ignoring the danger of the bear growling about in a rather threatening manner over there in plain sight.

I know what you are thinking, “Dale, are you experiencing some bad-trip flashback resulting from an LSD influenced visit to the zoo from your youth?”  No!  I am referring to the aggressive stance, nay actions, recently engaged in by Russia.

While there is much debate over the existential threat posed against our society by self-destroying factions of the Arab world (practically nil, by the way), a country fully capable of bringing on global Armageddon, is pushing former Eastern Bloc allies around with impunity and threatening Western aligned nations with nuclear attack as response to certain planned defense measures.

I regret I did not save the citation, but last week I encountered a news story reporting that Russia had issued an ultimatum to Denmark that in the event the Danes deployed missile defense systems as is currently planned by NATO the result would be nuclear missile attacks on Danish Naval vessels in the Baltic Sea by said Russians.  How is this not an act of war?

How is this not a front-page headline?  Why is our government not publicly responding to this assault on the national sovereignty of an allied nation?  Is this the fruit born from Obama’s hot-mike slip entreating the Russians to be patient, as he wouldn’t have to run for re-election?

1 comment:

  1. This might explain why “our president” can’t find the time to meet with NATO's secretary general when he is in Washington. And how Putin’s threats against the Danes links across the world to Argentina and the Falklands Islands.
    From Fox News:

    “…The report of Obama's snub comes amid Russia's growing willingness to test NATO's military readiness. On Tuesday, NATO jets were scrambled after four Russian military planes were spotted flying over the Baltic Sea with their transponders turned off. Over the weekend, a Danish newspaper published remarks by the Russian ambassador to Denmark in which he hinted that Russian missiles could target Danish warships if Copenhagen joins NATO's missile defense system.
    But the most far-reaching example of Russian belligerence came Tuesday, when Britain's Daily Telegraph reported that Moscow was preparing to lease 12 long-range bombers to Argentina in exchange for shipments of beef and wheat. The report comes after a round of rhetoric from Russian officials questioning Britain's claim to the Falkland Islands…”
