Thursday, May 19, 2016

Beep, Beep ...Zip! Tang!

No, that is not the sound of some malevolent robot come to rule as a mechanical overlord.  It’s not the click language of some recently discovered civilization heretofore hidden in the deep jungles of New Guinea. (How come nothing exciting ever happens in Old Guinea? I think happenstance is ageist!)  Try it phonetically:

Beep, beep (rest for a second) Zippp! Taaaang!

Think about it.  Think about it.  Yes, you’ve got it: It’s the Road Runner!  I knew you could do it.

Your next question, most certainly then, is “Dale, why are you making childish sounds if you are not attempting to conquer the Universe with a battalion of evil mechanical men?”

Because, my oh so slow students, the road runner is the very symbol of the Southwest, and that’s where I am heading.  For the next three weeks or so, I will be traveling (by truck) across a major portion of the Desert States with the ultimate purpose of visiting my Aunt Barbara in Montrose, Colorado.  What this means to you, is I will not be publishing my weekly blog posts during my absence.

Don’t Panic!

Those of you that have been around for a while (should, at least) know that I have a travel log blog to which I publish my exciting adventures encountered while on such rovings.  Don’t worry, I will not clutter the blog up with the daily doings of me and Aunt Barbara (although she tends to be kind of quirky and, well you never know) but I will be updating you on any interesting events and attractions worthy of your notice on the trips out and in.  And I’ll even let you know if there is anything new going on in Montrose, Colorado (my ancestral home as it is the birthplace of my mother).

“But Dale, “you whine “how am I supposed to read these exciting chapters of your on-the-road life?” (notice the hyphens, Frank)

Simple, just go to and voila, there you are.  And if you are on the distribution list for my weekly blog (what you’re reading now, stupid) you will most likely be on the travel log announce list as well.  Okay, that’s it for this week.  Miss me yet?

And yes, I've got my towel.

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