Thursday, February 25, 2016

More Superfluous Dictum

Because the weather here in Southern California has mimicked that of summer recently, it feels as if we are in the dog days of August.  Thus a temperament of ennui and lethargy has draped itself across our prefrontal cortex.  In other words, I can think of nothing on which to bloviate this week.  (Well, there’s always space stuff; but I think you need a week off.) Bound by my contract insubstantial that exists tacitly on my end but forcibly on my readers’ (unless of course they have added my name to their spam filter… “Hey, I didn’t even think about that.  Just imagine the amount of time I could have devoted to some profitable endeavor!)

So, I have retreated to that time honored maxim, “If you can’t laugh at yourself, you have to make fun of other people.”  That’s right, we’re going to take a little tour of the recent news offerings and see if we can amuse ourselves at the expense of others.

The Donald has the political world on its heels.  There seems to be no talk of policy from the other Republican contenders. Their sole focus seems to be, “How do we dump Trump?” I think that’s enough keystrokes devoted to this issue. Wouldn’t it be great if he did the rest of his campaign en voce Donald Duck?  He’d still probably win.

On February 18, 2016, CBS correspondent Scott Pelley interviewed Hillary Clinton yielding the following exchange:

PELLEY:  You talk about leveling with the American people. Have you always told the truth?
CLINTON: I've always tried to. Always. Always.
PELLEY: Some people are gonna call that wiggle room that you just gave yourself.
CLINTON: Well, no, I've always tried --
PELLEY: I mean, Jimmy Carter said, "I will never lie to you."
CLINTON: Well, but, you know, you're asking me to say, "Have I ever?" I don't believe I ever have. I don't believe I ever have. I don't believe I ever will. I'm gonna do the best I can to level with the American people.
And I thought I was the world’s best fudge maker!  (It really is very good.)  With such veracity, can we expect full disclosure on the subject of Area 51?

On February 23, 2016, Reuter’s News Service reported that a California woman was discovered dead in a laundry chute at the D Casino in Las Vegas (NV).  A spokesperson for the Clark County Coroner’s Office stated she had not died of natural causes.  Go figure.  This is a reminder folks to pay your gambling markers.

It seems we are once again under attack by nature.  The new threat is from the Zika virus, transmitted by mosquito bite.  Wait, it seems that once contracted, it can be transmitted through sexual activity.  The Center for Disease Control has confirmed fourteen such cases.  Insert your own joke here about stingers.  Oh, you might want to return those tickets for Brazil.  Whoops!  Carnival was two weeks ago, wasn’t it?  If you need more information, just Google “Zika”.  I’m going to Target to buy some DEET. 

Well, I can feel my Clozapine is starting to wear off so it’s time to start drinking.  I’ll type to you next week.

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