Wednesday, November 18, 2015

An Offering

Thomas Jefferson
This has been a bad week, humanity wise.  And as such, I have been compelled to listen to pundits “A” through “Z” offer their opinions on the failings of our President (forgive me, but tradition demands I capitalize the first letter of that title) and his government regarding all things political.  If we read history (and I do) we are left to understand that the responsibility with which the President of the United States of America is charged is the administrative management of the federal government.  The office was so designed as to minimize institutional interference in our private lives.  Thomas Jefferson was vehement, almost obsessive in his efforts to warn his fellow architects of the Republic against the natural tendency for governmental self-promotion and growth.  With small effort one can find text upon text reinforcing that truth and yet, here we are in 2015 with political leadership (and this happens within the conclaves of both parties, my dear pupils) that ignores the fact that our (well, it was supposed to be ours) government has lost control of those functions for which it was formed (say, national security) and has encroached itself almost totally into those social environs forbidden to it by our sacred Constitution.

I really prefer to use this forum as a canvas for my peculiar brand of wit.  But sometimes I reach a level of frustration with behavior so counter to the tenets of this Nation that I need an avenue through which I can release the building steam pressure.  I’ve tried talking to people about the state of our government and how it is killing the spirit of our noble cause.  But I find I get one of two reactions:  They run away screaming, rending their garments in a biblical manner; or their eyes glaze over as they yearn for the shelter of their I-phones.

Today I am once again standing at the edge of that precipice, where, if I step over the edge, I will start a one man mission to correct the problem.  I can see far enough into the future to know that this would not be a path of pleasant, or particularly beneficial outcomes.  So, I step back, take a breath, click on my mental safety and re-holster my emotional weapon.

Charles Darwin

But I want to be part of the solution as opposed to just another whining voice in the fog.  So here is my offering:  Government should disband itself; but just before it does, it should issue to each and every citizen with the strength to grasp it firmly, a pointy stick.  Then we revert to pure Darwinism; survival of the fittest.  Them that can, do.  Them that can’t become part of the food supply.  Now this may seem a bit gruesome to the more genteel among you.  But take heart, you won’t have to witness this experiment for very long (if you know what I mean; if you don’t you may have even less time).

Okay, I feel better now.  Be sure to tune in next week for more fun and learning.  And always remember, the world is what you make it… not what they tell you it should be.

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