Thursday, August 14, 2014

Blah, blah, blah...

Here we are in the doldrums of August and I am hard pressed to find thematic inspiration.  The world, it seems, is disintegrating at our very feet.  Of course, a case may be made that this process began the moment the first of our arboreal ancestors climbed down from his perch above the African savanna and made terra firma his domain.  So rather than deliver the usual eagerly anticipated lesson today’s post will be limited to random thoughts.

We lost a magnificent Hollywood icon this week; someone who was loved by all audiences.  Their contribution to American pop-culture will forever be remembered.  I speak of course of Lauren Bacall.  Oh yeah, some comic named Robin Williams died too.

“You do know how to whistle, don’t you Steve?
  Just put your lips together and blow.”

It seems the Arabs and the Israelis are still at it.  It seems the Arabs and the Kurds are still at it.  It seems the Arabs and the Americans are still at it.  It seems the Arabs and the Arabs are still at it.  What perplexes me is why we don’t just leave those poor wanderers alone.  After all, they are only asking for a world-wide religion and a little goat meat.  And they’ve been asking for the goat meat for three thousand years (long before Mohammed and Islam).  You have to give them credit for keeping their eye on the prize.

Are all of you youngins’ out there practicing your Russian?  It’s going to come in handy when you’re fighting to take back the Ukraine.

There are race riots nightly in the suburbs of St. Louis over the death of a teenager at the hands of a police officer.  I wasn’t there and have no insight into what happened or where to place blame.  But I kind of like a philosophy that proposes to quell unrest by the ad hoc distribution of athletic footwear.

This month’s juicy raspberry for political correctness run amok goes to ESPN.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about consider yourself lucky and go back to watching cartoons.  Oh, nice panamas by the way.

New Flash:  This week’s inter-squad practice between the Oakland Raiders and Dallas Cowboys erupted in violence!  Now who could have foreseen that?  On the subject of Cowboy surprises, owner Jerry Jones, 71 year-old billionaire, was photographed groping an attractive woman.  Now what’s the use of working hard enough to amass that kind of wealth if you can’t get a little cuddle now and then?  Maybe if Jerry would spend more time on women and less interfering with his coaching staff, the Cowboys could get into the playoffs.  Okay, maybe not.

I watched a new show on the American Heroes Channel titled Gunslingers that purports to deliver to the faithful the definitive narrative on the classic shootouts of the old west.  My opinion; Billy the Kid is still a sniveling, cowardly murderer and Sheriff Pat Garret did his duty!

If the populations of Honduras, El Salvador et al are migrating to the United States, does that mean we can reduce foreign aid to those countries to offset the cost of social services their refugees will enjoy here?

The clock on the wall in unison with the voices in my head are telling me it’s time for my next dose of the medication, so TTFN.

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