Friday, November 8, 2013

The Truth is Out There!

Today's Special Edition is prompted by evidence of a government cover up!

While perusing the interweb for salacious stories about East Coast politicians, I uncovered this appetizing tidbit buried deep on the front page of my Yahoo! news feed.

While government toadies are claiming the pictured space phenomenon is a meteor with multiple tails, in the same article they state that there have been no historical occurrences of multi-tailed, or any-tailed meteors recorded.  Just like mind-control conspiratorial astronomers (I'll bet you didn't even no such a cadre of nefarious scientists existed) to shove an unidentifiable object into a category where it doesn't belong.

Clearly, the pictures have captured a controlled space vessel with multi-dimensional, parallel-universe transversing engines.  Six jetted asteroid... Please!

Get ready to learn the language of the new masters.

Stand by for future news as I can conjure it up from the deep recesses of my paranoid mind!