Thursday, February 6, 2014

One Year (and Counting)

This week marks the first anniversary of my launch of a blog site.  For fifty-two weeks you have been bombarded with what passes as intellectual flotsam and jetsam emanating from the dark recesses of my diseased brain.   I don’t know if the malady responsible for this cerebral effluent is contagious, but as I’ve received relatively few actual responses over this time, I suspect not.  Those that have written (scant, meager, almost embarrassingly terse) responses I suspect were already infected with their own version of the writer’s malady.

Of the lessons learned, the most troubling is just how easy it is to post meaningless dribble on line.  Thanks to Google, and I mean that sincerely, a techno-slacker like myself, armed with nothing more than an over inflated sense of self, spell-check and an internet connection can publish nonsense available to the world… for free!

Some interesting facts (well, I think so at least):

·    Through February 1st (last Saturday) my Dale Holbrook Out West blog site had received 2,944 hits. As of today, it is still 2,944 hits. C’mon people!
·     I do not have stats on how many countries total are represented but I do know that Germany (100), Russia (99), Poland (46), and New Zealand (45) round out the top off-shore readers.  Interesting thing is, I have only one German (Hi, Nicky) and one Mexican reader on my distribution list.  I have had hits from every continent save Antarctica, and I’m studying Penguin just in case.
·      By far, … and Taxes (4/11/13) received the most hits with 81. Of course, the blog had nothing to do with taxes and the timing (four days before April 15, tax day in the U.S. for you foreigners) was a total coincidence.  I wonder how many of those hits were people searching for last minute tax saving advice.  Oh, well, that’ll teach ‘em to wait ‘til the last minute.
·       Dopplewhat? (4/25/13) generated the most posted responses at six.  I really do wish I would get more reaction but, c’est la vie.

Some of the missives were personal histories that were mostly true.  Underscore mostly.  Early on, one of my readers, who doesn’t communicate any longer (!!!) asked me how I could recall events from so long ago with such clarity of detail.  The other writers out there are already chuckling over the response.   I make shit up!  (Pardon moi Francais.)  While the broader detail may have a foundation in real events, much of the detail that makes you smile (not all, but much) is pure comedic enhancement.

I imagine that some readers have been put off by my offerings with a scientific bent.  And that is too bad.  Because, I was really trying to convey a message:  Science knowledge is dynamic!  I tried to shine a little light onto what I believe are the gaping holes in current academic theories about space, time, evolution, etc.  If you watch documentaries, or read science related publications, you would think we know all there is to know by the manner in which experts in this field or that state opinion with such certainty.  That is, until you read a conflicting opinion.  Then, instead of trying to resolve the conflicts, the principals attack each others’ work, or worse, the person themselves.  Scientist can be very catty!

I will continue to opine on the state of humanity and its shortcomings. “Monsters are such interesting people.”  At least when I’m not absorbed in Merry Melodies cartoons.  If my insights offend, “Well, I hope you realize this means war!”

Well, that’s about all I have for you.  The self-indulgent nature of this piece, combined with the brevity, should have led you to the conclusion (rightly so) that I couldn’t dredge up anything substantive this week.  For some reason, I can’t imagine why, my thoughts have turned to music as of late.  So long!

Oh, and don’t forget to e-mail me with your request for “updoc”.  Supplies are limited!

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